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Having a child is an important time for any family and especially in a woman's life. There are numerous contraceptives available today to prevent pregnancies, but most contraceptives are designed only for impeading the fertilization process. Mifeprex (Mifepristone, 200mg) is a new option for American women. It is the first Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved early option pill for ending early pregnancy. Mifeprex followed by misprostol is a safe and effective non-surgical method for ending early pregnancy. Women in Europe have used this option for more than a decase.

Mifeprex is a non-invasive early option for ending pregnancy. Mifeprex is taken orally, allowing you to avoid anesthesia or surgery in most cases. Some women feel it is a more private option. When you choose the early option pill, you will recieve counseling and support throughout the process.

If you are interested in talking to a medical professional about Mifeprex, please contact one of our specialized Mifeprex pysicians.


© Danco Laboratories, Inc, 2003.

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